Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday at the Festival on the riverbank

Today we went to Mass at the Dayton Celtic Festival.  The priest who can read Gaelic was injured and could not celebrate, so we had a regular English Mass except for the readings.  One of the Irish musicians, strictly a layman, read the first and second readings in Gaelic, so we had that much at least.  And the replacement celebrant did an excellent job. 

But I had a hard time fully concentrating on the service.  The weather was absolutely gorgeous - bright sun, clear sky, perfect temperature (at least in the shade.)  And standing there in the crowd, looking over the riverfront toward the Main Street bridge, it was a wonderful sight.  The grass and trees were glowing green, the levee wall looked clean and bright, even the aging buildings looked pretty.  The whole experience was near heavenly. 

I don't regret living my whole life in Dayton.  It's not the greatest city ever, but it's OK.  Today, however, I was positively glad and thankful to be in Dayton.  Thanks for another blessing, Lord.